Professional dental whitening

The tooth whitening is a cosmetic treatment that is able to reduce the original color various shades of teeth.

Teeth whitening can be done in the office or at home, or both together.

The whitening of the teeth allows to eliminate most of the stains of extrinsic causes such as tea, coffee and other infusions, cigarettes and red wine, among other substances and foods. However, not all dental stains or obscurations are removable or can be improved through tooth whitening and may require other types of aesthetic dental treatments such as the use of porcelain veneers or covers.

Simply use gels that act chemically through the oxygen they contain, and can reduce several shades within the same color of the tooth.

A whitening lasts approximately 1 hour, with which the patient already sees significant changes. This treatment at high concentrations can be repeated as a maintenance after 6 months to 1 year, depending on the severity of the spots or pigmentations that the patient presents. In general, although it depends on the condition of the denture of each patient, it is important and necessary to perform a professional dental CLEANING (ultrasound + professional brushing) before performing the teeth whitening.

The whitening has no effect on any type of restorations, these being: amalgams, restorations made with halogen light, inlays and crowns or bridges. In the case that the patient presents this type of ARRANGEMENTS in the anterior sector above all, the whitening is performed and after that, the replacement of the restorations that have not changed their color is performed. To be able to carry out the replacement of these restorations it is necessary to wait 15 days approximately so that the color obtained with the whitening stabilizes.